.. role:: raw-latex(raw) :format: latex .. contents:: :depth: 3 ===================== Zombie Apocalypse Now ===================== Introduction ============ How could one not like zombie movies? It was about time that someone, Robert Smith? and his collaborators, shed some light on zombie attacks from a mathematical point of view (see :raw-latex:`\cite{smith}`). Phil Munz (see :raw-latex:`\cite{munz}`) applied a well-known coupled set of differential equations to this particular problem, that was independently developed by Alfred James Lotka and Vito Volterra in the late 19th/early 20th century. Although Volterra and Lotka were interested in (closed) eco-systems, their equations are ideally suited to model a world infested by zombies. Whenever there is a problem which is readily described by (coupled) differential equations, an analog computer is the ideal tool to tackle them as we will do in the following. Programming =========== The mathematicsl model itself is quite straightforward and consists of the following two coupled differential equations: .. math:: \begin{aligned} \frac{\mathrm{d}h}{\mathrm{d}t}&=\alpha h-\beta hz\label{equ_z1}\\ \frac{\mathrm{d}z}{\mathrm{d}t}&=\delta hz-\gamma hz-\zeta z\label{equ_z2} \end{aligned} :math:`h` and :math:`z` represent the number of humans and zombies, respectively. :math:`h_0` and :math:`z_0` are the initial conditions. The remaining parameters are :math:`\alpha`: Growth rate of the human population (birthrate). :math:`\beta`: Factor describing the rate at which humans are killed by zombies. :math:`\delta`: Growth factor of zombie population due to zombies killing humans and thus transforming them into zombies. :math:`\gamma`: Rate at which zombies are killed by humans. :math:`\zeta`: Normal “death” rate of the zombie population. Figure 1 shows the resulting program for the two equations while figure 2 shows the program as implemented on an Analog Paradigm Model-1 analog computer. .. figure:: circuit01.png :alt: Circuit of zombie simulation :width: 12cm .. figure:: zombie_program.jpg :alt: Zombie simulation on an Analog Paradigm Model-1 analog computer :width: 12cm Zombie simulation on an Analog Paradigm Model-1 analog computer Results ======= Figure 3 shows a typical result obtained with the setup described above. The computer was run in repetitive mode with the time-constants of the integrators set to :math:`k_0=10^3`. Additionally, only integrator inputs with a weight of :math:`10` were used, further speeding up the simulation by another factor of :math:`10`. The IC-time was set to short, and the OP-time to :math:`60` ms. The oscilloscope was explicitly triggered with one of the TRIG-outputs of the CU to obtain a stable, flicker-free display. .. figure:: zombie_results.jpg :alt: Results of a typical zombie simulation :width: 12cm Results of a typical zombie simulation. The parameters were derived experimentally by playing with the various coefficients until a stable behaviour was obtained. The output shown was generated with :math:`h_0=z_0=0.6`, :math:`\alpha=0.365`, :math:`\beta=0.95`, :math:`\delta=0.84` (very successful zombies, indeed), :math:`\gamma=0.44`, and :math:`\zeta=0.09`.